Ford Maverick 1973


a sport-styled compact car sold in North America during the 1970s Despite being one of Ford Motor Company's most successful cars, the Maverick/Comet has not reached the popularity of the Mustang, and is still overlooked by most classic car enthusiasts. As they grow in age and rarity, the cars have been making a resurgence in popularity.







Friendster - Nyoman's Photos

Posted by Unknown On 6:29 PM 0 comments
Friendster - Nyoman's Photos:
kemana kamu bro..
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jual stok terakhir UV saya,  diameter 46mm untuk Lumix Fz18,
diantar/ janjian di seputaran jakarta pusat/ jakarta timur.
Hp.081314221861 (adit)
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Here are a good tips to add Your Blog to google search engine result.

10 Remarkably Effective Strategies for Driving Traffic

Posted by randfish on Mon (7/17/06) at 11:44 PM Link Building
In the last six months, we've been lucky enough to help quite a few companies and websites drive significant traffic to their sites. Many of these campaigns have been constructed around the goal of building search engine rankings, as this is our primary business, but we've also found that our ability has given us great power in the fields of brand-awareness and marketing overall. Thus, the following ten processes are primarily about building traffic and through it, attention.
#10 - Targeting Unmonetized Searches
  • Ingredients: KW research tools like Yahoo!'s KW Selector Tool, Wordtracker & KWDiscovery + Overture's View Bids Tool and Google's KW Tool
  • Process: Identify some relatively high-traffic search terms or phrases that have a very rough relationship with your industry, business or site but have little to no advertisers buying keyword advertising. For $0.10 a click (sometimes less), you can build your branding and your site's visibility. Make sure to serve up great content that targets exactly what the searchers want - a list of resources, an informational how-to article or the like. If you deliver great results in a search where you're the only advertiser, searchers will remember you, re-visit you and, occassionaly, write about and link to you.
  • Results: Campaigns of this size can be anywhere from a few dozen to a few thousand visitors per day depending on your budget. In either case, be sure to have some action items for visitors to follow and watch your analytics like a hawk to ensure that you're bringing in real value with the terms you've chosen (i.e. if your abandonment rate is 75%+, you need to tweak something).
  • Examples: On this one, its very hard to give examples without giving away clients or potentially spoiling opportunities, but luckily, Graywolf has a perfect example in his Pirates of the Caribbean post, where there's a lot of searches trending that way and no advertisers - a perfect opportunity for the right player to get in the game (pun intended).
Google Search for McDonalds Pirates of the Caribbean
Note the lack of ads...
#9 - Creating Controversy
  • Ingredients: A passionate audience or community with strong (and hopefully misguided) feelings about a subject, person, company, etc.
  • Process: Create content through a blog, article, report or statistics that challenges commonly-held beliefs or assumptions or specifically challenges the views of a very popular person or organization. Be prepared to defend your positions, write about them in comments on blogs, in forums, chatrooms, online groups and wherever appropriate. Sometimes, you can even leverage the editorial section of a newspaper and re-print online.
  • Results: Heavy traffic levels come through multiple channels, but your biggest source is often the direct response of the disagreeing party. Be sure you're handling the dispute in a professional and even-handed manner and you can earn a respectable following. It's all dependent on industry and size, but a between a few hundred and a few thousand RSS subscriptions are usually on the table.
  • Examples: Dead2.0 (who I posted about earlier today) makes a great example, and Danny's post at SEW about his Google hates also follows along this tradition.
Dead 2.0
Dead 2.0 combines controversy and a Top 11 List
#8 - Maps & Mashups
  • Ingredients: Google Maps, Yahoo! Beta Maps, MSN Virtual Earth, etc. + some good geographic data
  • Process: This doesn't neccessarily require a map mashup, but they do make a compelling and timely example. Utilizing geographic data and a maps API system, you can create a very cool tool on your site that combines the two in a graphical, fun-to-use and highly-linkable way. Even sites in the most boring of sectors can employ this strategy by mapping things like their own industry's stats from census data or concentrations of relevant physical locations. If you're an optomotrist, why not map all the optometrists in your state/country (using a directory of some kind that you re-write into XML or tabular data) and mash it up with areas of high-tech concentrations (attempting to prove/disprove that techies who stare at their monitors all day need vision care).
  • Results: Getting picked up by some of the major map mashup reporting blogs like Ajaxian (if you employ it well) or Maps Mania can bring many thousands of visitors in a say. Longer tail traffic sources often feed off these and send additional visitors over time. The holy grail here is to be mentioned on the example pages by the sources (the map API folks or directory/data source) which can bring a constant stream of thousands each day.
  • Examples: Matt's IP to Location tool is a good one, as is's Meteor Map, the famous HousingMaps and the hypercool FlickrMaps.
FlickrMaps Mashup Screenshot
Flickr Maps Mashup - Showing Photos from San Francisco
#7 - Event Coverage
  • Ingredients: A popular, well-attended event with a particular industry theme and a passionate writer who makes friends wherever they go.
  • Process: Go to the event, cover as best you can - make friends, take copious, detailed notes, go to the bars afterwards, shoot photos and videos and, most importantly, let everyone there know that you'll have the coverage on your site in the next few days. Time is of the essence here, but once you've got a great writeup (with photos!), send emails to your event contacts to help boost the buzz.
  • Results: Depending on the size of the event and the people you form connections with, this can drive thousands or even tens of thousands to the site. Covering something private (with permission), exclusive or underground can be even more rewarding, though big, public events often make an easier starting point.
  • Examples: We covered the SES NYC 2005 show to great effect and the Washington Post currently has a terrific blog covering tech shows and events.
Washington Post Tech Event Coverage Blog
The Washington Post's Technology Blog on Events
#6 - Top Ten Lists
  • Ingredients: A great idea and ten little numbers.
  • Process: This might be the easiest of the bunch, but it's also the hardest to make work consistently. Top ten lists are everywhere and unless yours is particularly well-targeted, well-timed and well-marketed, it might end-up fizzling. The keys to great lists are - knowing your audience, knowing your subject matter (and writing as an expert) and presentation (the right content at the right time read by the right people). Tricky? Yes. Worthwhile? Absolutely.
  • Results: We've seen top 10, 5 and 20 lists make it onto Digg, Slashdot and even into the mainstream press. While tens or hundreds of thousands of visitors certainly isn't the norm, it can definitely be your goal.
  • Examples: Letterman's Top Ten might be the most famous, but on the web, Nielsen's Top Ten Web Design Mistakes and the recent Top 10 Unintentionally Worst Company URLs (that made both and Digg) are good examples.
David Letterman's Top Ten List
The Late Show's Top Ten Lists Online
#5 - Online Tools
  • Ingredients: A service that you can code into a tool to save someone time, effort, money or, alternatively, provide entertainment (plus a solid developer, preferrably skilled in AJAX).
  • Process: Tools aren't always able to attract visitors independently, so much like mashups, you'll need to do some promotion. Fortunately, there are dozens of online tool lists and plenty of folks blogging about their creation (like the aforementioned Ajaxian). The tool itself needs to serve a real purpose (or make people laugh) and it needs to be unique. If you're in the retail industry, imagine a tool that could be used to help visitors custom create a product, or organize a set of products in a useful, humorous or fun way. For B2B, cost calculators for customers can be useful, but are often un-exciting. Imagine how you can expand the use of your services to fit a wide audience, then make it fun and interactive.
  • Results: Tools can generate traffic slowly over time, or they can have huge bursts. Often, they spread virally through email and social networks if they're built right (and look great - so pay attention to #4, too).
  • Examples: SEOmoz's page strength tool got a bit too popular last week and crashed our server. It threatened to do it again yesterday. Some other great tools include this activity/calorie calculator from the Fitness Jumpsite and the website Hipcal, an online calendar tool.
Page Strength Tool
SEOmoz's Page Strength Tool from Last Week
#4- Graphic & Web Design
  • Ingredients: A useful site, a talented CSS designer and a list of design portal sites (this one and this one come in handy).
  • Process: Re-design your existing site to the best of your ability. Use pure CSS, graphics, color and layout that mesh well and make it not only easy to use your site, but aesthetically remarkable, too. If you're struggling for inspiration, look at the sites that make it to the front page of this site.
  • Results: The design portals themselves can send 1-2 thousand uniques per day if you make their front pages, but the additional value you'll get from other bloggers and sites picking you up once you make it there is also worthwhile.
  • Examples: There are thousands - as I noted before, just look at CSS Thesis or CSSBeauty to get the idea. Even a dentist's office site or a manufacturer of toilet seats can get traffic here.
CSS Thesis Screenshot
CSS Thesis from
#3 - Leveraging Social Networks
  • Ingredients: Solid, targeted content, a writer who can create compelling titles and descriptions and this list of social sharing sites (from Ekstreme's Socializer Tool).
  • Process: Create great content (from one of the ideas here or something totally unique), then submit it to the major social bookmarking and link sharing services. You can also use this tactic in a long-tail fashion by tagging many small pieces of solid, but unremarkable content to services like, technorati, etc. with regularity.
  • Results: Digg's traffic effect is well known, as is Slashdot's, but even the smaller services like Reddit, Furl, Shadows and StumbleUpon can send several thousand visitors to the site.
Rand's StumbleUpon Profile
Rand's StumbleUpon Profile
#2 - Blogging & Blog Comments
  • Ingredients: A blog, some elbow grease and a tactful, savvy, industry writer.
  • Process: Regularly blogging about your industry, passion or profession can have enormous payoff if done properly. There's a host of considerations, but for the purposes of this short list, it's enough to simply blog well and take advantage of the inherent traffic provided by blog & RSS feed directories, tagging your posts at Technorati and commenting thoughfully and intelligently around the blogosphere. Even though those links don't get link credit (due to nofollow), you'll get clicks and attention if your comments are intelligent and provocative.
  • Results: A successful blog can be the biggest marketing tool and online traffic source for many small and medium business websites. But, be prepared to giving it love and attention, as the value may be best felt after months or years of writing.
  • Examples: There are tens of thousands of great blogs, but a few non  sequiter favorites include Better Living through Design, Montreal Food, Re-Imagineering and Creating Passionate Users.
Disney's Re-Imagineering Blog
Disney & Pixar's Re-Imagineering Blog
#1 - Reporting Remarkable News
  • Ingredients: A story that's so big, everyone will be writing about it and a talented writer who can passionately and effectively cover it.
  • Process: This is the same process that sells newspapers and makes journalists. But, in the case of the web, the news can be smaller, as long as it's deeply tied to your industry or sector. Being the first to report is good, but by also being the best report on the subject, you firmly establish yourself as an excellent source for the current news and the future.
  • Results: Some of the highest traffic boosts possible come from news reports as thousands of popular sites write about their own experience or opinion with the story and credit you, sending what can often be tens or even hundreds of thousands of visitors over a few days.
  • Examples: Techcrunch has a remarkable reputation and ability to get news before anyone else, and some specific reports, including Henk Van Ess's SearchBistro post on Google's human-reviewed SERPs and Slyck's coverage of torrent-favorite Pirate Bay's servers being snatched by police.
TechCrunch Breaks News on Google Calendar
TechCrunch Leaking News of Google Calendar
#0 - Offering Something Incredible

  • Ingredients: An idea whose time has come.

  • Process: We're cheating by putting a #0, and cheating again because there's no set formula for this one - it's a build-it-and-they-will-come product. If you launch a site with goods, services or a gimmick that is simply irressistable, massively useful, universally appealing and hard to live without once you've tried it, rest assured that the Internet will respond by sending you appropriately stratospheric levels of traffic.

  • Results: These are the sites generating millions of uniques each day - traffic that borders on the insane.

  • Examples: Think Zillow, Flickr, Craigslist, Kayak. In a smaller way, our Web2.0Awards met some of these criteria and received a few hundred thousand visitors as a reward.
Zillow's Home Page Screenshot's Home Price Valuation System
These tactics can very easily fit under the umbrella-term "linkbait," though not all of them are as useful for the purpose of link growth as brand awareness. If you've got stategies of your own to share or insights about how these can be tweaked and optimized, please do share.

How To Drive Traffic to Your Blog - The Advice of a 12 Year Old

Remember 12 year old blogger David Wilkinson from Techzi? David and I have kept in touch with one another since I posted about him last and recently I asked him to consider writing a guest post here at ProBlogger. I thought a 12 year old’s perspective on how to get traffic to your blog might be worth hearing. Here’s his post.
When Darren Rowse comes up to you, and asks you to write a post for, it’s not something you can really say ‘no’ to. Not that you’d want to of course, but more the fact that it’s the opportunity of a lifetime. Why should I write, of all people though? Well Darren wanted to hear the methods that I as a young person use to drive traffic to my blog, without spending any money.

Learning the basics

First you need to grasp and understand that the Internet is a big place. Several billion web-pages, and often with very little time available to the end-user, they’ll use several techniques to find what they’re looking for.


Search? Standard engines like Google, Yahoo and Live are the most popular nowadays, and optimizing your site to be found easily, can be easy and hard based on many factors.
My best advice for someone starting out would be to start by building quality content for somebody to see, then progressing to “The Three Cs”. This way, you’ll get noticed by genuinely interested people, who’ll actively want to play a part in your site’s development, by giving you quality feedback on ways to improve, design and usability.
If you have a blog or a website that’s been going for several weeks, perhaps a month or two, and you’ve done “The Three Cs”, or at least some of them, would be to start focusing on building on your existing content, with fresh, interesting, relevant and unique content. Note I say ‘relevant’ and ‘unique’. This is important. There are so many splogs out there now-a-days, that people can quickly distinguish whether an article has been written by somebody or not, at least the majority of the time. Relevance too, like I said, is a key factor. If you have a very personal blog, then one day write something completely off-topic about a new type of golf club that comes out, people will start to wonder if you and your blog actually have an aim or a purpose, which is yet another vital thing to consider.
If you’re somebody with a very mature blog, that is several months or more old, you can now focus on the technical side of things, which is mainly down to the spiders. If you’ve been blogging this long, then if you’re not on your own domain, or hosting, I recommend it, as it allows for greater flexibility, design and SEO. Search engine optimization? Yep! A Google Sitemap can be stuck on your server for the Google-Bot and metatags can be added, which let you pre-define information about your page automatically, such as the author, a description, keywords and feed information. This also makes usability easier for feed-ready browsers like Firefox and Internet Explorer 7. Tacky pre-set designs become a thing of the past too, and upgrading to Wordpress can be a smart move, as the developer community there will help you along the way with every aspect of your blog, from the writing itself, to the advanced functionality like widgets that are available, and the themes that are freely downloadable to customize your blog’s look. Of course you could always give design a go yourself as I did at - though admittedly I enlisted the help of two professional designers as well.So, what are these ‘C’s that I’ve been talking to you so much about anyway? Read on to find out…

Community, communication, consideration.

The three founding principals of marketing your blog to an audience, whether general, or specific. People want to get be a part of the next thing, so give them a chance.

1. Community

Whether you start up your own community, or join others, via means of MyBlogLog, MySpace, LinkedIn, Xing and others, this is a guaranteed and proven way to get visitors, to get hits, impressions, and often quality traffic, because you know that these people haven’t just clicked on a random link or search engine listing, but have seen you or your website’s profile, and followed it through to your homepage/landing page. The best ways to get the profiles themselves noticed? See below…

2. Communication

I don’t mean ’spam’ by this either. Get involved in genuine discussions, with other people of similar interests, start up a civilized, profitable, knowledgeable discussion, then when you’re finished, ask if they’d take a look at your blog or website. You’d be surprised how many loyal readers have come to my own blog in this way. Simply leave comments in communities, on social networks, on other blogs, etc.
Still not quite your way of dealing with people?

3. Considering

All the time, you have to consider the reader. Who are you writing for? The reader. Who will be navigating your blog? The reader. Who should you devote your time, energy and attention to? The reader. Consideration is important, and you can show this in many ways. Either by having a clutter-free, easy-to-follow design, or you could alternatively try getting the readers involved, by asking questions in blog posts, or website statements, and opening up comments. If people comment, strike up a conversation with them, and keep them coming back. Answer their queries and requests with solid, reliable, dependable answers, and take note of the feedback they leave by using it, and putting it into action. If someone states that your text is hard to read, change the colour to stop it clashing so much with the background, or simply make it slightly larger.
There are lots of ways you can show consideration to your audience, and it shows just how loyal you are to your readers through this. If someone spots an inaccuracy in a blog post and tells you, don’t be lazy. Go change it! They’ll keep coming back, they’ll tell their friends, and in turn this C will do word-of-mouth marketing wonders.

The Element of Surprise

You’ve looked at both SEO, content and the ‘C’s now, but my last tip is probably what has brought me the large majority of my visitors, both loyal and one-off traffic hoppers. Differentiate yourself, do something different. Be daring, be random! Try something wild, or something completely unheard of, whether it’s outrageous, or greatly beneficial to the reader. Sometimes, even beneficial to the writer! ( Mad things work out great sometimes, other times, they really can lower your reputation, so it’s time to take calculated risks here.
My advice? Follow your instincts. Be an entrepreneur. Take that risk. Make it happen. Throw a competition (, for all the good it will do. Stand out and be different. Darren will sure know what I mean by that…
David Wilkinson writes at
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How to get traffic for your blog

Posted by Unknown On 5:43 PM 0 comments

How to get traffic for your blog

You've got your blog set up and you've started posting pithy, useful information that your niche market would benefit from and enjoy. Days go by, you keep publishing, but no one comments and your traffic stats are barely registering. What do you do? here some advice from denise wakeman :
Like any website you own, you must do some blog promotion to start driving traffic to your site. Here are 16 steps, in no particular order of importance, that you can start doing now to get traffic moving to your blog.
1. Set up a Bloglet subscription form on your blog and invite everyone in your network to subscribe: family, friends, colleagues, clients, associates.
2. Set up a feed on so your site gets regularly spidered by the Yahoo search engine (see tutorial on
3. Read and comment on other blogs that are in your target niche. Don't write things like "nice blog" or "great post." Write intelligent, useful comments with a link to your blog.
4. Use Ping-0-matic to ping blog directories. Do this every time you publish.
5. Submit your blog to traditional search engines:
6. Submit your blog to blog directories. The most comprehensive list of directories is on this site:
Tip: Create a form to track your submissions; this can take several hours when you first start so schedule an hour a day for submitting or hire a VA to do it for you.
7. Add a link to your blog in your email signature file.
8. Put a link to your blog on every page of your website.
9. If you publish a newsletter, make sure you have a link to your blog in every issue.
10. Include a link to your blog as a standard part of all outgoing correspondence such as autoresponder sequences, sales letters, reports, white papers, etc.
11. Print your blog URL on your business cards, brochures and flyers.
12. Make sure you have an RSS feed URL that people can subscribe to.
The acronym RSS means Rich Site Summary, or some may consider its meaning as Really Simple Syndication. It is a document type that lists updates of websites or blogs available for syndication. These RSS documents (also known as 'feeds') may be read using aggregators (news readers). RSS feeds may show headlines only or both headlines and summaries.
To learn how news aggregators/RSS readers work, see this site:
13. Post often to keep attracting your subscribers to come back and refer you to others in their networks; include links to other blogs, articles and websites in your posts
14. Use Trackback links when you quote or refer to other blog posts. What is TrackBack? Essentially what this does is send a message from one server to another server letting it know you have posted a reference to their post. The beauty is that a link to your blog is now included on their site.
15. Write articles to post around the web in article directories. Include a link to your blog in the author info box (See example in our signature below).
16. Make a commitment to blog everyday. 10 minutes a day can help increase your traffic as new content attracts search engine spiders. Put it on your calendar as a task every day at the same time.
Tip: Use a hit counter to track your visitor stats: how many unique visitors, how many page views, average length of visit. You can get a free hit counter at
Denise Wakeman of Next Level Partnership, and Patsi Krakoff of Customized Newsletter Services, have teamed up to create blogging classes and marketing services for independent professionals. You can read and subscribe to their blogs at, and

Another way to Drive blog traffic

Adopted from Seth Godin, a pro internet marketer.
here are some steps which we may take ,to increase our blog traffic.

  1. Use lists.
  2. Be topical... write posts that need to be read right now.
  3. Learn enough to become the expert in your field.
  4. Break news.
  5. Be timeless... write posts that will be readable in a year.
  6. Be among the first with a great blog on your topic, then encourage others to blog on the same topic.
  7. Share your expertise generously so people recognize it and depend on you.
  8. Announce news.
  9. Write short, pithy posts.
  10. Encourage your readers to help you manipulate the technorati top blog list.
  11. Don't write about your cat, your boyfriend or your kids.
  12. Write long, definitive posts.
  13. Write about your kids.
  14. Be snarky. Write nearly libelous things about fellow bloggers, daring them to respond (with links back to you) on their blog.
  15. Be sycophantic. Share linklove and expect some back.
  16. Include polls, meters and other eye candy.
  17. Tag your posts. Use
  18. Coin a term or two.
  19. Do email interviews with the well-known.
  20. Answer your email.
  21. Use photos. Salacious ones are best.
  22. Be anonymous.
  23. Encourage your readers to digg your posts. (and to use furl and reddit). Do it with every post.
  24. Post your photos on flickr.
  25. Encourage your readers to subscribe by RSS.
  26. Start at the beginning and take your readers through a months-long education.
  27. Include comments so your blog becomes a virtual water cooler that feeds itself.
  28. Assume that every day is the beginning, because you always have new readers.
  29. Highlight your best posts on your Squidoo lens.
  30. Point to useful but little-known resources.
  31. Write about stuff that appeals to the majority of current blog readers--like gadgets and web 2.0.
  32. Write about Google.
  33. Have relevant ads that are even better than your content.
  34. Don't include comments, people will cross post their responses.
  35. Write posts that each include dozens of trackbacks to dozens of blog posts so that people will notice you.
  36. Run no ads.
  37. Keep tweaking your template to make it include every conceivable bell or whistle.
  38. Write about blogging.
  39. Digest the good ideas of other people, all day, every day.
  40. Invent a whole new kind of art or interaction.
  41. Post on weekdays, because there are more readers.
  42. Write about a never-ending parade of different topics so you don't bore your readers.
  43. Post on weekends, because there are fewer new posts.
  44. Don't interrupt your writing with a lot of links.
  45. Dress your blog (fonts and design) as well as you would dress yourself for a meeting with a stranger.
  46. Edit yourself. Ruthlessly.
  47. Don't promote yourself and your business or your books or your projects at the expense of the reader's attention.
  48. Be patient.
  49. Give credit to those that inspired, it makes your writing more useful.
  50. Ping technorati. Or have someone smarter than me tell you how to do it automatically.
  51. Write about only one thing, in ever-deepening detail, so you become definitive.
  52. Write in English.
  53. Better, write in Chinese.
  54. Write about obscure stuff that appeals to an obsessed minority.
  55. Don't be boring.
  56. Write stuff that people want to read and share
Here are some high-quality directories (what means by "high-quality" is that they review each submission to ensure that they are content-rich and blogs are well classified into categories):

Blog Announce
Blog Top Sites
Blogging Fusion Blog Directory
Yahoo!'s Blog Directory
Google's Blog Directory
BlogFlux Directory
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Natural Ventilation systems rely on natural driving forces, such as wind and temperature difference between a building and its environment, to drive the flow of fresh air through a building. Both work on the principle of air moving from a high pressure to a low pressure zone. Natural ventilation systems are usually integrated into building systems where there is some mechanical support; these are called mixed mode or hybrid ventilation buildings. The main benefit of some augmentation by mechanical systems is that there is less unpredictability with indoor environment conditions, though it will result in greater energy use. 
Natural ventilation can be an appropriate choice when compared to air conditioning in the temperate climate of Victoria, particularly as the nights are cool and this can be used to pre-cool the building (see CH2 for case study of natural ventilation used for night purge It can save substantial amounts of energy by decreasing or eliminating the need for mechanical cooling. It may also improve the building’s indoor air quality. Buildings with well-designed natural ventilation systems often provide very comfortable and pleasant environments for the occupants.
There are two fundamental approaches to designing for natural ventilation that will be effective in most Victorian situations:
> Cross ventilation which uses air-pressure differentials caused by wind
> Stack ventilation which uses the increased buoyancy of air as it warms up
Depending on the approach when using natural ventilation, a conscious choice may need to be made by the building users to have greater fluctuations in indoor thermal conditions. The temperature will not always be predictable to plus or minus half a degree, as the use of external air will, if it is not tempered using mechanical systems, mean that temperature and humidity vary.
Design issues to consider with cross ventilation

Using cross ventilation will have a strong influence on building aesthetics and site planning. To maximize the effectiveness of openings, narrow buildings with open plans and well placed openings work best (particularly if the longest faces of the building are perpendicular to the typical wind direction). Furthermore, single-loaded corridors (rooms only on one side of a corridor) will provide better airflow than double-loaded ones as it makes it easier to provide openings on opposite walls. Building elements like fins, wing walls, parapets and balconies may be designed to enhance wind speeds and should be an integral part of cross-ventilation design though caution needs to be taken that they do not cause turbulence and block air flow)4 
In one of my high rise project, we are determine to apply bioclimatic approach.
At the attic -crown, we attempt to provide natural cross ventilation, for the hot air which reheated under the glass room.
these ventilation will drawn the hot air out, to be replaced by fresh air.
Although the outside natural air is not cool at midday, but its flowing and changes effects the temperature of the glass or the building skin.
the bio climatic approach in high rise building, is one of some important aspect to save energy.
2. idem

open tabbed page link on a new window/tab

Posted by Unknown On 12:50 AM 0 comments
to open tabbed button link to a new window or new tab, just simple add this script

target=' blank'

after the link
<.a href="''>

Ford Maverick 1970's

Posted by Unknown On 9:16 PM 1 comments
Saturday, December 20, 2008

Ford Maverick 1970's

a sport-styled compact car sold in North America during the 1970s
Despite being one of Ford Motor Company's most successful cars, the Maverick/Comet has not reached the popularity of the Mustang, and is still overlooked by most classic car enthusiasts. As they grow in age and rarity, the cars have been making a resurgence in popularity.
Manufacturer Ford Motor Company
Production 1970-1977 (U.S.)
1973-1979 (Brazil)
Predecessor Ford Falcon (North American)
Successor Ford Fairmont
Ford Tempo
Ford Contour
Engine(s) 170 cu in (2.8 L) Thriftpower Six
200 cu in (3.3 L) Thriftpower Six
250 cu in (4.1 L) Thriftpower Six
302 cu in (4.9 L) V8
Wheelbase 103 in (2616 mm)

Hunting sendirian jumat ini, lewat depan rumah pak Rudi, di bilangan Pejaten.. ada proyek baru rupanya.. ford maverick 1973.
Duh garangnya... menurutku ini saingan mustang. yah tentu, masih dibawahnya.. ya tapi oke lah, buat sportscar look...
pengen re-build.. satu saja.. tapi kok katanya mahal banget ya.. ngehidupin satu mobil mangkrak kayak gini bisa 20an juta..

sementara foto-foto dulu aja deh...

Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda Fazani
